There is one grain elevator in Culross, Manitoba, a Paterson Grain elevator. The elevator is fairly unusual in that it has no annex, giving it a limited capacity of 2,850 tonnes. The Culross grain elevator stands beside the CP track and near the few houses remaining in Culross.

This elevator was built in 1982 and one of the last wooden elevators built in Manitoba. Later grain elevators have been of concrete construction.

N.M. Paterson’s first elevator in Culross was built in 1920, using material from Stoughton. Its first manager was R.H. Wood, from 1920 to 1923.
UGG had an elevator in Culross as well.
The annex from Elm Creek was moved to Culross in February 1989 and converted into an elevator. It was officially opened on October 4, 1989. The older Paterson elevator was demolished in 1989.
Culross is served by the CP Glenboro subdivision.
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