There will be two grain elevators in the vicinity of Dugald, Manitoba in 2021. The wooden grain elevator in the town itself was built in 1948, and Parrish and Heimbecker is building a concrete terminal just east of the town.
Manitoba Pool Elevator
The Dugald grain elevator is a former Manitoba Pool Elevator structure with a capacity of 4,010 tonnes. The elevator consists of the central elevator with an attached annex and three steel storage bins. It is on the CN Redditt subdivision.

The elevator was last licensed by the Canadian Grain Commission in 2001. It is still used for private storage.

The town of Dugald is well known for the 1947 rail accident that killed 31 people. A westbound vacation train, the Minaki Campers’ Special / CNR Extra 6001, ran into the eastbound CN Continental Limitedpassenger train. The subsequent fire from the antiquated gas lit passenger cars on the Minaki special claimed all but two of the fatalities. The fault was laid with the crew of Extra 6001 but the reason they passed a “stop” signal will never be known as both crew perished in the collision. More on the Dugald train disaster
The current grain elevator was built in 1948 to replace the elevator destroyed in the 1947 rail accident.
Parrish and Heimbecker

Parrish & Heimbecker is building a new grain terminal just east of the town of Dugald. This elevator was announced in June 2019 and site preparation began soon afterward.

The elevator will have a capacity of just over 25,000 tonnes and will have a loop track off the CN Redditt subdivision that can hold up to 150 rail cars. The site will also have a dry fertilizer warehouse capable of storing 6,000 tonnes, and a seed treatment facility.

The building contractor is Todd & Sargent.
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